✌️ Hello, Welcome to ShibaSwap

$SHIB, $LEASH, and $BONE, come together to create ShibaSwap, the next evolution in DeFi platforms powering the Shiba Inu Ecosystem.

🐶 So, what is ShibaSwap?

ShibaSwap, part of the Shiba Inu Ecosystem, leverages the Ethereum blockchain to run

  • a decentralised protocol (DeX) to enable fast token exchanges

    • based on the "constant product AMM (Automated Market Maker)" by Ethereum's co-founder Vitalik Buterin detailed here and here.

  • automated shared liquidity pools and

  • a yield farm for earning yield on your liquidity.

ShibaSwap at a glance

Provide Liquidity to earn $BONE and other rewards.

🦴 Why is ShibaSwap unique?

ShibaSwap gives users the ability to 'DIG' (provide liquidity and earn yield), 'BURY' (stake), and 'SWAP' tokens to gain 'WOOF(reward) Returns' through our sophisticated and innovative passive income reward system.

Our platform also allows the ShibArmy to access upcoming NFTs and additional tools such as portfolio trackers, to make navigating the crypto world simple and intuitive.

ShibaSwap offers a few key advantages:

  1. Unique rewards system involving

    1. ETH/WBTC/DAI/USDC/USDT token rewards along with

    2. BONE (ShibaSwap's governance token)

    3. LEASH (second token incentivised on ShibaSwap)

    4. SHIB (our foundational currency)

  2. Exotic coin pairs in the Farm

  3. Analytics including options to dive deeper via etherscan.io and intotheblock.com

🧐 What can I do on ShibaSwap?


ShibaSwap's SWAP allows two tokens to be exchanged quickly.


ShibaSwap's BURY allows you to stake their Shiba Inu Ecosystem tokens to gain returns proportional to your contribution to the pool.

ShibaSwap Staking Pools

  • SHIB Pool

  • LEASH Pool

  • BONE Pool

When you stake SHIB, LEASH, or BONE, you will receive xSHIB, xLEASH, or tBONE tokens. Those tokens represent your share of the pool and will be automatically detected when you un-stake your tokens via the BURY

Stake returns are distributed weekly or every fortnight.

DISCLAIMER Maximize returns by leaving tokens staked. The longer your tokens are in the pool, the more returns you will receive, whereas frequently staking and unstaking will lower your long term gains.

Vesting Period: You can claim 33% of your Staking Returns bi-weekly, but the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months.

Provide Liquidity

ShibaSwap's DIG allows you to Provide Liquidity to gain returns. Liquidity providers earn returns on trades proportional to their share of the pool as SSLP tokens. Returns are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity

Provide Liquidity by migrating UNIV2-LP or SLP Tokens

ShibaSwap's FETCH will retrieve your Uniswap or SushiSwap LP Tokens.

This is a new feature with high slippage which can potentially result in losses during migration. Please use with caution.

Yield Farm/WOOF Pools

ShibSwap's WOOF allows you to

  • Stake your SSLP Tokens &

    • During the time that SSLP token is deposited, returns are accrued in real time.

  • Claim Returns.

    • In order to claim your DIG returns, you must deposit your SSLP (ShibaSwap Liquidity Provider) Tokens into the allocated pair box.

Vesting Period: You can claim the 33% of your yield returns bi-weekly, but the remaining 67% of them will be time-locked for 6 months.

Last updated