Liquidity Mining/Yield Farming on ShibaSwap

What is DIG?

ShibaSwap offers the Liquidity Providers an opportunity to earn/(farm) more rewards(yield) by staking their liquidity taken (SSLP - Shiba Swap Liquidity Provider) via the DIG platform. You can access this by choosing "Farm Tokens" from the "WOOF" section of ShibaSwap.

Liquidity Providers have the opportunity to earn rewards in BONE token., primarily. There are ,however, special pools in the farm/Woof Pool that earn Triple Rewards and Double rewards.

Liquidity Pool (Woof Pool )


BONE-ETH (ShibaSwap Exclusive)

  • BONE

  • USDT

  • wBTC


  • BONE

  • USDC

  • DAI


  • BONE

  • xFUND


  • BONE

  • F9


  • BONE

  • PERL


  • BONE

  • ZIG

How to DIG?

This section requires ETH to pay gas fees. Make sure that you have enough ETH balance in your wallet before proceeding.


  1. You should have SSLP tokens available. You can acquire them by following the adding liquidity guide.

  2. Once you have the SSLP tokens , Navigate to the DIG and choose Farm Tokens.

3. You should now see a list of pools. You will now pick the token pair you added liquidity for.

We are considering the BONE-ETH pool in this example

4. Click on the pair and you should now see the amount of SSLP tokens you hold in your wallet displayed there under "Wallet Balance".

  • If you are doing this the first time you would a screen that reads "Approve".

  • Since you are depositing your SSLP tokens with ShibaSwap, you would need to approve this the very first time. This would require payment in ETH as gas fees.

  • Choose "Approve" and then "Confirm"

  • Once this transaction is approved, you should now be able to see the screen described in Step 4

5. You can now choose "Max" to stake all of your SSLP tokens to maximise your yield.

6. Choose "Deposit" to deposit them in the Woof Pool/Farm and start earning rewards.

7. You will now need to approve the transaction and pay gas fees in ETH using your wallet.

8. Choose "Confirm" when you are ready.

9. Once the approved you should received and alert notification regrading the same.

10. You should now see the count of your SSLP tokens listed under "Deposited" section.

Images Sourced from ShibaSwap Tutorials [05]: How to Use the Woof Function! by CRYPTOANGEL

Last updated