Dev Compensation and other Funds

To assure the longevity of ShibSwap and the Shiba Inu Ecosystem, a part of the minted BONE will be allocated to a multi-signature-activated Development wallet

This wallet will be split in 80%-20% during the first 14 days, then 50%-50%.

Core Developers & OG Admins Fund

This fund will be put towards the financial relief that our Dev team needs to make our Ecosystem their full-time focus. We want these talented individuals to continue building on the solid foundation they gifted to us with their own time, money, and energy.

This allocation will allow each of the volunteer developers to be both compensated for their initial investment into ShibaSwap, and also offer salaries so they can work exclusively in the EcoSystem.

The OG Admins are the veterans of the Shib Army, and they have all earned medals in Fighting Daily FUD and Fending Off Bot Takeovers. This fund allows the Dev team to have a trusted group of admins, deployed across multiple channels, to secure a safe space where Shiba fans build community without being bothered by FUD, scams, and other issues.

Dev Wallet

Shiba Inu Ecosystem Development & Marketing Fund

This fund will be put towards the continued advancement of our Shiba Inu Ecosystem. Now that ShibaSwap is live, it is up to us to keep that momentum going. This allocation will give us the rocket fuel we need to send this puppy to the moon and beyond.

This funding will also allow us to quickly expand on concepts from the top secret 2021 RuffMap with a real budget. Upon the completion of RuffMap items, we will utilize the remaining funds to complete the projects confirmed by the Community Governance votes for 2022 and 2023.

The Shiba Inu Ecosystem is even more impressive when you consider that, so far, the entire effort has succeeded without spending a dollar on marketing. However, this BONE PILE will allow the team to deploy international marketing strategies, such as commercials, that will make SHIB the freshest mainstream cryptocurrency name, sharing the ranks with Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Marketing And Growth Wallet

Last updated