Bone Token

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Questions about BONE Token

Why is BONE price going down?

The rate of Bone being minted is exceeding the amount of people buying it.

Bone’s true value won’t be realized until 2024.

Prior to that, in January the rate of Bone being minted levels out significantly. When that happens the price of Bone should stabilize and be more accurate.

On top of that, BONE is being earned as rewards on almost every BURY/DIG aspect of ShibaSwap. Because of this, more and more Bone will be removed from circulation as more and more people stake their assets.

The longer assets are staked, the more Bone gets removed as well.

Expect an increase in price when DoggyDao is fully launched as well.

Submitted by u/siflbabyshifero

What is the purpose of BONE now?

Now it can be used in yield farming on WOOF Pools under DIG or staked as tBONE on BURY for trade fee rewards or in the future used in governance voting.

Sourced from Sushiswap FAQ

Last updated