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Product Specific FAQs

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Questions about ShibaSwap Rewards

Why can’t I see my rewards?

Rewards can be seen on the same ShibaSwap page you BURY-ied them on.

  • If you scroll down, below where you’re asked how much you want to stake, you’ll see a box for BONE and a box for ETH.

  • You will also see a Woofable (33%) and Unwoofable (67%) amount in those same boxes.

  • Once you decide you’re ready to begin Woofing your rewards, a gas fee is required for the transaction.

  • When you make the transfer, after paying the gas fee, you will be able to see your Woofed rewards in your wallet.

Submitted by u/siflbabyshifero

Why can’t I see my Woofed rewards in my wallet?

Prior to a token showing up in your wallet, you have to add that token’s ID/Address. Most token ID/Addresses can be found on CoinGecko .

If you are using MetaMask Wallet, instructions to list your custom token into MetaMask is available here

Submitted by u/siflbabyshifero

What’s going on with the rewards delay?

As per ShibaSwap developer Eric (Eric M#8343 on the Official Shibatoken Community (server))

" We know how inconvenient this is and ShibaSwap’s devs apologizes for the delay in giving the rewards this week.

We want to clarify some of the misinformation circulating.

ShibaSwap’s team doesn’t take commissions in returns received, but it redistributes the gained returns in form of rewards to the respective pool wallets depending on the token.

This distribution is done by the Top Dog Wallet. User’s interface (UI) needs to be built in order to handle transaction returns, which is done manually (on ShibaSwap’s end).

Security procedures require the entire 30-60 hour process to be done by a developer and signed using a Top Dog multisig wallet.ShibaSwap development team is negotiating data collector provider. Prices are rather expensive and require maintenance.

Here is technically how rewards are dropped atm:"

  • 1. Run TreasureFinder to get updated rewards into SwapRewardsDistributor

  • 2. From SwapRewardsDistributor, xSHIBBoneDistributor, xLeashBoneDistributor, xBoneBoneDistributor, they go to Merkle contracts

  • We run Merkle contracts -> we update root for each generated file.It takes into account the blocks you've spent during that 2 weeks and your share of the pool and determines the amount you are eligible to receive it.

  • Then, unfreeze Merkle and approve.

That's the process. Hope this helps.”

Update 20/08/2021:

Submitted by u/siflbabyshifero

Last updated