How to stake a.k.a BURY

  1. To stake a.k.a BURY, first navigate to the BURY section of the site and then choose "Stake Tokens"

2. Select "Stake Tokens". This should take you to the various staking pools

3. Choose the pool you wish to stake your tokens in.

Let's choose SHIB to further the example.

4. Choose the percentage of your current asset that you wish to stake, buy choosing either 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%.

5. You could alternatively type in the number of tokens you wish to stake.

6. Once you are satisfied with your selection, press "Approve".

7. If you are using the swap for the first time you might see a "Signature Request" to approve the "DApp" a.k.a the ShibaSwap

8. Choose "Sign"

9. If this is the first time you are attempting to stake the token, an approve requested would be triggered to your wallet , requesting permission to use the token you hold in your wallet specifically for this purpose. This step will require "gas".

10. Choose "Confirm"

11. You should now see the balance of your staked tokens, as well as your pending rewards.

12. If you wish to unstake, simply click 'Unstake'.

Last updated