

ShibaSwap offers you the opportunity to

  • earn $BONE and

  • a share in platform fees with your dormant tokens - $SHIB, $LEASH and $BONE

Stakers are returned xSHIB, xLEASH and tBone

xSHIB holders receive

  • 0.1% of all ETH swap transaction fees paid as ETH

  • 0.05% of platform fees distributed as xSHIB

  • 3% of BONEs Per Block minted additionally

xLEASH holders receive

  • 0.05% of platform fees distributed as xLEASH

  • 1% of BONEs Per Block minted additionally

and tBone holders receive

  • 0.05% of platform fees distributed as tBONE

  • 1% of BONEs Per Block minted additionally

Contracts Involved

Swap, Fees and the role of TreasureFinder


An internal naming system exists for certain tokens which are thought to have the most volume

  • WETH (ETH),

  • WBTC,

  • USDC,

  • DAI,

  • USDT

TreasureFinder acts as

  • an accumulator for all protocol fees

  • delegates specialised rewards distribution to

    • Swap Rewards Distributor,

    • BurySHIB,

    • BuryLEASH, and

    • BuryBONE


Top Coin Trade and Rewards

The following swaps/trades on ShibaSwap involving any of the Top Coins can happen.


Trade Type

Protocol fee


Trades between any of the top coins


Trades between one of the top coins and any other ERC-20 token.



  • TreasureFinder receives fees as SSLP tokens.

  • Until instructed TreasureFinder will keep on accumulating rewards

  • When instructed it uses ShibSwap's SWAP to convert the SSLP tokens into Top Coins

  • This also incurs fees and they again go through the same process.

  • These fees thus also become part of the reward

  • The swapped/traded Top Coins are send to Swap Rewards Distributor

  • These coins are the withdrawn during the Rewards Distribution Process

    • ETH rewards are paid to xSHIB holders

    • USDC & WBTC rewards are paid to LEASH-ETH Woof Pool

    • USDT & DAI rewards are paid to BONE-ETH Woof Pool

Non-Top Coin Trade and Rewards

The following swaps/trades on ShibaSwap involving any coin other than the Top Coin can happen.


Trade Type

Protocol fee


Trades between any coins other than Top Coins



  • TreasureFinder receives fees as SSLP tokens.

  • Until instructed TreasureFinder will keep on accumulating rewards

  • When instructed It uses ShibSwap's SWAP to convert the SSLP tokens into SHIB,LEASH and BONE

  • This also incurs fees and they again go through the same process.

  • These fees thus also become part of the reward

  • The swapped/traded Top Coins are send to

      • BurySHIB,

      • BuryLEASH, and

      • BuryBONE

    • This increases the supply of these coins in the rewards stash

  • These coins are the withdrawn during the Rewards Distribution Process

    • SHIB rewards are paid to xSHIB holders

    • LEASH rewards are paid to xLEASH holders

    • BONE rewards are paid to tBONE holders

  • This causes the SHIB/ LEASH / BONE balance to increase over time

convertandconvertMultiple are two functions , part of the TreasureFinder contract, which are used to instruct the TreasureFinder contract to begin SSLP conversions.

I will personally ensure to run convertMultiple for certain popular pairs every week which has high trading volumes to convert into rewards ( TopCoin rewards ) to distribute to people, the last two times I ran the function I personally incurred substantial fees:

and me and the ShibaSwap team will continue to eat these cost to ensure everyone gets their rewards in timely fashion and the maximum available at the time of distribution.

Kaal Dhairya

Vesting Period: You can claim 33% of your Staking Returns bi-weekly, but the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months.

BONE Rewards and Top Dog Contract

As part of ShibaSwap rewards BONE token are also distributed

xSHIB holders receive

  • 3% of BONEs Per Block minted additionally

xLEASH holders receive

  • 1% of BONEs Per Block minted additionally

and tBone holders receive

  • 1% of BONEs Per Block minted additionally

TopDog Contract controls BONE Minting and Burning

It mints BONE according to the following rules

  • As indicated by the 'bonePerBlock' parameter of the contract

    • 80 Bone Per Block (August 2021)

  • As indicated by 'devPercent' parameter of the contract ~ 10% of the 'bonePerBlock' parameter

    • 10% of 80 = 8 Bone Per Block

    • send to xDevBoneDistributor Contract

  • As indicated by 'xShibPercent' parameter of the contract ~ 3% of the 'bonePerBlock' parameter

    • 3% of 80 ~ 3 Bone Per Block

    • send to xShibBoneDistributor Contract

  • As indicated by 'xLeashPercent' parameter of the contract ~ 1% of the 'bonePerBlock' parameter

    • 1% of 80 ~ 1 Bone Per Block

    • send to xLeashBoneDistributor Contract

  • As indicated by 'tBonePercent' parameter of the contract ~ 10% of the 'bonePerBlock' parameter

    • 1% of 80 ~ 1 Bone Per Block

    • send to tBoneBoneDistributor Contract

TopDog does not mint BONE every new block but instead mints all of them during the rewards distribution process.

WOOF High gas fees

'massUpdatePools()' is called during rewards distribution process when user WOOFs rewards or when the function is called directly.

This is a very epxensive interaction.

This combined with usual ETH network high fees is part of the reason why many people have experienced high gas fees while WOOFING.Example Transaction

Sourced from ShibaSwap rewards accumulation and distribution explained

Last updated