Swap, Stake, Liquidity & Farm


ShibaSwap allows you to quickly and conveniently swap any ERC-20 compatible tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain.

The swap charges only a 0.3% Liquidity Provider fees to aid this.

Stake a.k.a Bury

Staking a.k.a BURY-ing is an easy way to earn additional Tokens while HODL-ing yours.

ShibaSwap's Staking pools are available for

  • $SHIB,

  • $LEASH and

  • $BONE

Each pool provides its own unique set of rewards.

Each pool is also eligible for $BONE token rewards as well.


ShibaSwap's liquidity comes from its own liquidity pools including various exotic coin pairs.

This means more liquidity and less slippage for ShibaSwap's traders.

When you make a trade or swap on ShibaSwap the transaction is charged a 0.3% fee , a portion of which is redeposited into the liquidity pool and acts as a part of the reward stash available for liquidity providers.

Farm a.k.a DIG

ShibaSwap's offers its Liquidity Providers an option to farm/dig for yield in various pools, we call WOOF Pools, and earn more rewards/ WOOF returns for providing Liquidity.

Each Puppy Pool is eligible for $BONE token rewards.

There are also special pools that are eligible for various other rewards part of the ShibaSwap's rewards stash. This include rewards in $ETH, $WBTC, $DAI, $USDT, and $USDC

Last updated