Calculating Staking returns to Woof

When Staking any Main Token (SHIB/LEASH/BONE)

  • SHIB/LEASH/BONE from the users wallet is withdrawn and added to xSHIB Contract

  • xSHIB/xLEASH/tBONE Tokens are minted and returned to the user

  • Thus xSHIB/xLEASH/tBONE Contracts Hold all of the SHIB/LEASH/BONE staked

How to calculate a users Main Token (SHIB/LEASH/BONE) share of staking rewards at any point

Contracts involved

Shiba Inu Ecosystem Main Token Name

Shiba Inu Ecosystem Main Token Symbol

Shiba Inu Ecosystem

Main Token

Contract Address

Staked Token Symbol

Staked Token Contract Address

Shiba Inu









To calculate a users share of SHIB (as an example) rewards at any point we use the following formula

(usersShareOfStakingTokenstotalMainTokenLockedInByStakingContract)/StakingTokenTotalSupply(usersShareOfStakingTokens * totalMainTokenLockedInByStakingContract ) / StakingToken TotalSupply
  1. We need to find out how much xSHIB the wallet holds

    1. This can be done by

      1. Simply looking at the xSHIB tokens in the wallet or

      2. By Navigating to this url

      3. You should see 7 numbered rows

      4. Choose the second one 2. balanceOf

      5. This expects an address , which as you guessed is the wallet address

      6. Enter that address and hit Query

      7. This should return the xSHIB held by the wallet

  2. Now we need to find out the total SHIB locked in

    1. We need to do this because , when we stake SHIB,

    2. the xSHIB contract hold the SHIB and then mints and returns xSHIB

    3. To do this we need to the SHIB contract

      1. Navigate to this url

      2. You should see 6 numbered rows

      3. Choose number 4.balanceOf

      4. This expects an address, but unlike the last time, this isn't a wallet address but the address of the xSHIB contracts itself, which is 0xB4a81261b16b92af0B9F7C4a83f1E885132D81e4

      5. Enter that in the box

      6. This should return the total SHIB held by the address

  3. Lastly, we need the total supply of xSHIB

  4. We can obtain this from the xSHIB contract

    1. Navigate to this url

    2. You should see 7 numbered rows

    3. Choose the 7th one 7.totalSupply

    4. This should return the total xSHIB held by the address

  5. Now let us use the formula

  6. Step 1 gives us xSHIB in users wallet - lets call it - usersShare

  7. Step 2 gives us total SHIB Locked in by xSHIB , lets call it - totalShibLocked

  8. Step 3 gives us total xSHIB in existence , lets call it total xShibTotalSupply

  9. So Total SHIB would be

    1. (usersSharetotalShibLocked)/xShibTotalSupply(usersShare * totalShibLocked ) / xShibTotalSupply

  10. As you may be aware, the number of decimals by default is 18, So divide the number you obtain in step 4 by 10^18 (1 and 18 zeroes)

  11. That should give you the SHIB available to be woofed at any point.

How to calculate a users BONE token share of staking rewards at any point?

Bone Token shares are calculated offline and distributed via Special Merkel Distributors

Last updated