ShibaSwap Liquidity Provider Rewards and Distribution

A detailed look at ShibaSwap Liquidity Provider Rewards and Distribution

ShibaSwap Liquidity Provider Rewards

Rewards Locking Period33% of all the rewards will be available for withdraw at anytime, and 67% will be time-locked for 6 months

Rewards Distribution Schedule All Rewards are paid out weekly biweekly (every two weeks)

Liquidity Provider Fees

Every time a user trades between any coin/token pair on ShibaSwap,

  • a 0.30% Liquidity Provider Fee is taken on the trade.

    • If that trade involves $ETH i.e if $ETH is swapped for another token

      • 0.1% of the fees for that trade goes back to the $SHIB Staking/BURY Pool providers as $ETH

    • If that trade involves $WBTC or $USDC i.e if $WBTC or $USDC is swapped for another token

      • 0.1% of the fees for that trade goes back to the $LEASH-ETH LP pool as $WBTC & $USDC

    • If that trade involves $DAI or $USDT i.e if $DAI or $USDT is swapped for another token

      • 0.1% of the fees for that trade goes back to the $BONE-ETH LP pool as $DAI & $USDT

    • For all other trades, referred to as Allocated Swaps

      • 0.05% of the fees for that trade is converted to $SHIB and returned to $SHIB Staking/BURY Pool

      • 0.05% of the fees for that trade is converted to $LEASH and returned to $LEASH Staking/BURY Pool

      • 0.05% of the fees for that trade is converted to $BONE and returned to $BONE Staking/BURY Pool

    • The rest of the fees goes to the Liquidity pools and is distributed to each pool based on Allocation Points of that pool.

$BONE token rewards

In addition to Liquidity Provider fees $BONE token is minted per Ethereum block (once every fifteen seconds) and is distributed

  • During the Liquidity event i.e the first 2 weeks after the launch

    • 1000 $BONE tokens were minted per block

      • This number will gradually be coming down following the curve shown below

  • 3 % of all $BONE Per Block (BPB) is additionally minted and distributed to $SHIB Staking/Bury pool

  • 1 % of all $BONE Per Block (BPB) is additionally minted and distributed to $LEASH Staking/Bury pool

  • 1 % of all $BONE Per Block (BPB) is additionally minted and distributed to $BONE Staking/Bury pool

Rewards Distribution

Staking/BURY Pool Rewards Distribution

$SHIB Staking/Bury Pool

The 33% of the BONE and ETH returns will be weekly(every fortnight as of 17/07/2021) distributed and available for withdraw, and the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months.

$LEASH Staking/Bury Pool

The 33% of the BONE returns will be weekly(every fortnight as of 17/07/2021) distributed and available for withdraw, and the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months.

$BONE Staking/Bury Pool

The 33% of the BONE returns will be weekly(every fortnight as of 17/07/2021) distributed and available for withdraw, and the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months.

Yield Farm/ DIG Rewards Distribution


  • The 33% of the $BONE will be available for withdraw at anytime, and the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months.


  • The 33% of the $BONE will be available for withdraw at anytime, and the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months.

  • Also, the 33% of $WBTC and $USDC returns will be weekly(every fortnight as of 17/07/2021) distributed and available for withdraw, and the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months too.


  • The 33% of the $BONE will be available for withdraw at anytime, and the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months.

  • Also, the 33% of $DAI and $USDT returns will be weekly(every fortnight as of 17/07/2021) distributed and available for withdraw, and the remaining 67% will be time-locked for 6 months too.

Last updated