
Swapping tokens on ShibaSwap is similar to other platforms, just faster and cheaper. 😉

How to Swap

  1. Navigate to Swap using the cards in the middle of the app

2. Choose "Swap from" to select the token/coin you wish to swap from the drop down

3. Choose Connect wallet to begin the transaction. We are using MetaMask Wallet for this example.

Connecting your wallet allows you to supply ETH or any coin you wish to swap at ShibaSwap and receive the coins you wished to obtain after the swap in your wallet.

4. Choose Connect to connect your wallet to ShibaSwap

5. For this example, we'll be swapping From ETH To SHIB.

6. Enter the amount of tokens you wish to swap. Click Swap!

7. Click 'Confirm Swap' to finally confirm the swap

8. You will need to click 'Approve' in your wallet to confirm the transaction. Gas fees will need to be paid at this point.

7. Shortly after the transaction is confirmed you should be able to see your new balance.

8. You will be able to track the transaction on etherscan.io

Last updated